Our advocacy and outreach

A core tenet of Supreme’s Mission and Vision is to create equitable opportunities for all people to experience their desired birth experience. We make this possible by providing post partum support, shrinking the financial gap, making care accessible, and hosting FUNdraisers.

The Birth Ball

The Birth Ball is Supreme’s biggest fundraiser. A New Orleans style ball, complete with Queen and court, that raises funds to assist families in financially accessing different types of “alternative” care services.

Donate to fund our community work. Donations of all sizes are welcome.


The BirthFest is an outside festival with whole family fun and education. This event is a way for us to provide free care, expose families to resources, and foster community.

kangaroo krewe

Kangaroo is our post partum support group spear headed by our post partum support specialist. We meet virtually and in person to offer peer to peer support.

Community Wellness

With our community wellness days we are able to provide free care to women. We provide well woman care, routine lab work, lactation support, and pre-natal and post partum visits.

“We go further together”

-African proverb

Donations are essential to keep our organization running. We are able to provide free and reduced cost services and experiences because of our generous donors. Finacial support is always helpful, but in-kind support is just as valuble.